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Messages - mf1v9c31ep

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disscusion / 27
« on: October 04, 2013, 05:54:14 pm »
ic fleet would be destroyed, and the allpowerful Japanese Navy would soon be bombarding the coast of California.By the autumn of 1942, the US still had only three aircraft carriers afloat in the Pacific. But the turnaround, thanks to America's unmatched industrial strength, was swift.Only one year later, the American Navy had 50 carriers on the seas, and by the end of the war, that number rose to more than 100 carriers.Using aerial attacks by its carriers, bombardment by its growing armada of battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, and its growing skill at amphibious landings, the US pushed back the Japanese military in every sector. For Japan, the outlook was bleak.Thus was born the kamikaze (or kami kaze  heavenly wind), the suicide dive.Japanese Vice Admiral Takajiro Onishi was a leading advocate for this final frantic effort to stop the Americans. As he explained: If a pilot, facing a ship or a plane, exhausts all his resources, then he still has one left, the plane as a part of himself, a superb weapon. And w
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 Plath for is explained away in simplistic terms in Dreamers:...The Fate she carriedSniffed us outAnd assembled us, inert ingredientsFor its experiment. The Fable shecarriedRequisitioned you and me and her,Puppets for its performance.The fatalism in these poems becomes tiresome quickly. The predictable perspective makes the speaker seem so uninsightful that even when he deals with a serious issue  Plath's relationship with her father, for example  the reader isn't satisfied. Hughes reduces everything to glaring simplicity and skirts too many legitimate issues.Birthday Letters becomes more interesting when it captures the energy of Plath's forceful poems, her intensity, her tight, almost visceral imagery. But the strongest work comes when Hughes stops trying to explain Plath's emotions and allows himself to get in touch with his own.That is when Hughes steps out of Plath's shadow and writes truly memorable poems. Too bad he didn't have the wisdom to let Birthday Letters consist of only the 20 or 30 best pages. He
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 ting ourselves to another war. Some that come to mind include broadening the Western European Union and the Economic Community.It is equally understandable that the countries of Eastern Europe should seek to use their many familial and cultural ties with large numbers of Americans. These ties run both ways. They can be (and in the past, have been) used to serve US purposes. But it is a serious mistake to confuse this sort of relationship with the US national interest in a matter as basic as going to war.A feelgood speech to ethnics in middle America is a poor way to make foreign policy for middle Europe.* Pat M. Holt, former chief of staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, writes on foreign affairs from Washington.Faced with growing popular Arab and Islamic anger, governments hold back. Some are fearful of breaking their peace treaties with Israel (Egypt, Jordan). Some may feel militarily too weak (Syria) or are too involved with Israel's main ally, the United States, in oil, investment, and business (Sa
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 er.Savoni says the new law violates his privacy, comparing it to America's antiterrorism law that allows authorities to monitor Internet use without notifying the person in question.It is a control system like America's Patriot Act, he says.Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union have criticized the Patriot Act because it permits the government to ask libraries for a list of books someone has borrowed or the websites they have visited.Under Italy's new antiterror legislation, only those who are on a black list for terrorist connections are in danger of having their emails read, according to the government official.Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu has declared Italy will stop at nothing to fight terror.I will continue to prioritize action to monitor the length and breadth of the country, without ever underestimating reasonably reliable reports of specific threats, said Mr. Pisanu in a Sept. 29 interview with Finmeccanica Magazine. Pisanu has also called for developing sophisticated technology to combat ter
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